Are the government banning wood burning stoves? No!
The Clean Air Strategy recognises that wood stoves and fireplaces are the heart of many homes across the country and only aim to phase out the installation of poor performing air polluting stoves.
Karl’s Tree Logs & Fire Wood offer our customers the opportunity to buy low cost, unseasoned firewood at a much cheaper price. We deliver to homes and businesses across Liverpool.
With Karl’s unseasoned fire wood it is vital you store it for at least 12 months before you burn it. We strongly advise not to burn wet unseasoned wood on your closed appliances. Burning unseasoned firewood will not only result in poor heat being produced, but will also cause a tar build up within your flue due to the sap in the wood.
Some of our tree logs have already been dry stored for over 6 -9 months!
Seasoning Karl’s Fire Wood is Simple:
1. If you have a log store, simply stack your tree logs neatly and leave them for 12 months. The more air the logs receive, the quicker they will dry out and season. Do not worry about rain water on your logs, this is just surface water. Surface water will evaporate from the tree logs within a week. The main aim is drying out the core of the log.
2. Once 12 months has passed, or you have checked the moisture content is ok, your logs are ready to burn.
Pay for your plant(s) order
Read reviews from our many satisfied customers. If you’ve used our services, please feel free to leave us a review.
If you’d like more information about Karl’s Tree Logs and Firewood service in Liverpool, please fill in the form and Karl will get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively give Karl a call using one of the numbers below.
07711 890 490
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We aim to provide the best service and products for our customers. However, on rare occasions, we recognize that there may be times our customers may not be completely satisfied. To ensure we are able to put things rights as soon as we can you need to contact us on the day of completion of the works, so we may inspect the work to ensure everything has been carried out to our usual high standards. In the unlikely event there is anything you are not completely satisfied with, please contact us as soon as you can in order that we can rectify any problems as soon as possible. Either call us on 0151 727 5630 or email us at
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